My Proposal

As an artist, I love to see what the clay can bring. Working with it, and see what comes to mind. The relationship between hands and clay is the basis of the ceramic art form. When you put your hands onto the clay, the natural need to form, shape and ultimately create something from the fine- grained soil is inescapable. It is not always easy to find time to let myself get carried away by       new sources of inspiration. The idea of my handmade ceramic art being of use every day for my customers makes me happy.

What I propose to do if I were given this opportunity to work on seating spaces in public areas:

What I propose to do..

Aesthetic appeal

After having looked at my portfolio and images you must be wondering how this project is anyway connected. But as potters, we need to be conscious about what we do. As a person I am constantly looking at different ways of approaching a requirement or need. I have worked in various mediums, and am not afraid to experiment. I am quite passionate about my work.

I had intended to take this project up on my own but what this award will do, is that it will give me the right platform to work from and also give it the right publicity